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Methodology of Independent Lab Testing

To determine the effectiveness of removing Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), independent testing was conducted on ZeroWater’s 5-Stage filter against multiple brands.

The following findings are the results of these tests. We are including the methodology and the findings here to support the two following claims made in our recent advertisement. “Tap water could contain a lot of dissolved solids and some other filters simply struggle to remove them.” AND Unlike Brita filters 3 stage system, ZeroWater's 5 stage filtration system eliminates virtually all dissolved solids.” 

Within ‘Section 6 Test Results’ you can see the numerous direct comparisons which support the above claims. To help you understand these findings under the “Minimum % Reduction” rows you will find the percentage of TDS which is removed. You will see that the ZeroWater 5-Stage filter consistently outperforms the other brands in removing TDS. As an example of this, lead removal is 99.9% using ZeroWater’s 5-Stage filter compared to 71% for Brita Max.



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