How it works
The FDA requires the TDS level in PURIFIED bottled water to reach 000-010ppm. Culligan ZeroWater is the only filter in its class to achieve this level. Culligan ZeroWater's first layer of filtration, activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy removes the chlorine taste you are accustom to with tap water.
The Ion Exchange stage removes virtually all dissolved solids that may be left over from public water systems or even leached into your water from piping such as Aluminium, Lead, Zinc, Nitrate and more. Three additional stages are included to remove other contaminants and to ensure your water receives the appropriate amount of treatment time to deliver a "000" reading on your water quality meter.
- Download the Performance Data Sheet, independently certified by the NSF.
- Download the Contamination Removal Lab Testing Report.

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) removed from your water99.7%
5-Stage Filtration Lead reduction95%
Forever Chemicals PFOA/PFOS removed