Fact or Fiction: Do Water Filters Work?
Water filter jugs and dispensers are quickly becoming household essentials as we search for ways to improve our health and water quality. But with their rising popularity comes scepticism and the question, "Do water filters work?"
Water filters aim to remove a number of contaminants that are considered harmful to our health, making the water quality better and safer while also improving the taste. But is this fact, or is it just marketing hype?
At Culligan Zerowater, we are passionate about helping you improve your water with advanced filters that fit in our easy-to-use jugs or dispensers. With statistics behind us, we know that water filters do work, so in this blog, we explain how they work and the benefits of using them. So, by the bottom of this page, you can also be confident that the statement, "water filters do work," is a fact.
How Do Water Filters Work?
It is important to understand what they are and how they work to have confidence that they do work.
Water filters are compact filtration systems that fit into jugs or dispensers. When tap water is passed through them, the filter removes any toxins and chemicals present in the water.
This results in water that has a higher pH level, which has a host of health benefits.
Different filters have different systems, some opting for sediment filters to remove larger particles from the water and others using activated carbon filters, which absorb smaller particles and organic compounds.
The better filters on the market, such as those from Culligan Zerowater, utilise a combination of these systems, offering enhanced filtration that reduces both larger particles and organic compounds such as chlorine, copper, cadmium, mercury, lead, asbestos, turbidity, benzene and a host of other chemicals.
These are all chemicals that can lead to health problems over time, and they are all found in the water you get from your taps.
However, for your water filter to work efficiently and optimally, you need to make sure that your filters are changed frequently.
How and Why Do You Change Water Filters?
As the water filters catch all the contaminants they are removing from the water, they start to get clogged up. So, to prevent these contaminants from re-entering your water, you need to change the used filter to a clean one.
Changing water filters in water filter jugs and dispensers is fairly easy. Again, this is something that will change with the different filters. The Culligan Zerowater filter is a simple screw-in and screw-out system, which means you can quickly swap them over without any hassle.
For your water filter to work, it is recommended that you change the filter every 2 months or so.
Why Should You Use A Water Filter?
Many of the chemicals and contaminants in tap water are considered to be dangerous with long-term exposure.
Metals and chemicals can impact your health, with gastrointestinal issues, kidney issues and damage to the nervous central system being just some of the risks.
On top of this, water can also contain herbicides and pesticides from agricultural runoff, which are not only harmful to humans but will also alter the taste of water.
Choosing A Water Filter
With confidence that the answer to your question "Do water filters work?" is yes, you can start looking for a suitable water filter with confidence.
When deciding which water filter to buy, it is up to you to do some research and find out which ones have been found to be most effective. You should look into what tests have been run and how they have been tested, as well as the results.
Make sure that you buy a water filter jug that is big enough for your family's needs and that can fit in your fridge if you want cold water to hand. If you have a very big family, you may want to buy the kind that you can fit under the kitchen sink.
If you are also looking for filtration on the go, there are also water filter bottles that are available for sale. These are great for when you are moving constantly, as they purify tap water and make it safe to drink in a travel-friendly water bottle.
So, Do Water Filters Work?
We are frequently asked, "Do water filters work?"
Our answer is a very confident yes, thanks to our scientific research and independent testing of our water filters.
Using a water filter, you can reduce your chances of getting ill and enjoy purer, better-tasting water with each sip.
Most filters use a two or three-step system that removes most of the particles from drinking water.
The Culligan Zerowater uses an advanced five-stage filter system that strips out 99.6% of total dissolved chemicals, 99.7% of lead and 95% of forever chemicals PFOA/PFOS.
Order your water filter jug or dispenser today, and don't forget to sign up for our replacement filter subscription to save money and time.