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Does ZeroWater Remove Copper?

YES! When tested with 75 litres of filtration, ZeroWater removes 99.9% of Copper from your tap water.

The Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration System reduces more contaminants than standard 2-Stage filters.

How it works

How does Copper get into your water?

We have written a news article on our blog about The Health Risks of Copper in your Water.

Copper, a metal, occurs naturally in rock, soil, plants, animals, and water. Since Copper is easily shaped or molded, it is very often used to make electrical wiring and many household plumbing materials.

Copper can also be combined with other metals to make Brass or Bronze pipes and faucets. Copper compounds are also used in agriculture as pesticides and to control Algae concentrations in lakes and water reservoirs across Britain.

All living organisms including humans need Copper to survive. Therefore, trace amounts of Copper in your diet are considered good and necessary for a healthy lifestyle. However, some forms of Copper or excess amounts can also cause health problems.

Copper is found in a wide variety of foods:

  • oysters and other shellfish
  • whole grains
  • beans
  • potatoes
  • yeast
  • dark leafy greens
  • cocoa
  • dried fruits
  • black pepper
  • organ meats, such as kidneys and liver
  • nuts, such as cashews and almonds

The levels of Copper in most surface and groundwater in Britain are generally very low. Higher levels of Copper may be found in our environment where mining, farming, and manufacturing processes take place.

Additionally, industrial wastewater released into rivers and lakes can contribute to increasing levels of Copper which make its way into your local water supply or tap water.

Copper can get into drinking water either by directly contaminating well water or through corrosion of copper pipes if your water is acidic.

Corrosion of pipes is by far the greatest cause for concern for British households.

The Health Implications of digesting Copper

Copper is an essential metal that is found in a variety of food you consume on a daily basis. However, high Copper concentrations in water can cause gastric irritation and the WHO guidelines value is based on protection against these short-term gastric effects.

Low levels of copper can lead to:

  • anemia
  • low body temperature
  • bone fractures
  • osteoporosis
  • loss of skin pigmentation
  • thyroid problems

Metabolic diseases can affect the way the body absorbs vitamins and minerals.

Copper deficiency has also been linked to:

  • an increased risk of infection
  • osteoporosis
  • de-pigmentation of the hair and skin
  • anemia, as Copper contributes to the creation of red blood cells

There have also been suggestions that some infants may be particularly susceptible to liver toxicity due to exposure to high copper levels in water.

This has not been supported by subsequent studies and WHO indicate that the guideline value provides an adequate margin of safety for individuals with normal copper metabolisms.

Standards of Copper in drinking water?

The standard for Copper adopted in Europe is 2 mg/L, which is the same as the Guideline Value proposed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Normally Copper concentrations in tap water in Britain are very low, and easily meet the EU and national standard of 2mg/L.

However, in buildings with new Copper pipework, concentrations can be temporarily higher than usual, particularly after periods in which the drinking water in the pipes is static, e.g. overnight or during a weekend.

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