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Does ZeroWater Remove Cobalt?

YES! When tested in accordance with the NSF's protocol based on a 40 gallon filtration (double the rated usage), ZeroWater removes 99% of Cobalt from your tap water.

The Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration System reduces more contaminants than standard 2-Stage filters.

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How does Cobalt get into your water?


Cobalt is a hard grey metal with magnetic properties.

Cobalt is ubiquitous at low quantities in the environment although concentrations vary.

Almost never occurring in native form, Cobalt is usually combined with elements such as Arsenic and Sulfur.

The main locations where Cobalt is mined are Zambia, Congo, Canada, Russia and Australia.

Cobalt is primarily used for its magnetic properties, to make alloys with other metals and for jet engine and cutting tool production.

It is also used as a pigment in glass, ceramics and paints as paint dryer, and as a catalyst for the petroleum industry and in batteries.

Radioactive isotopes of Cobalt, which do not occur naturally, are used in medicine.

Cobalt is the new 'Blood Diamond'!

This statement explains why:

"A Tesla Model S is supposed to contain 63 kg of Lithium carbonate, but also 23 kg of Cobalt and considering the actual price is really a huge quantity. "

You can read the full article here: Cobalt, from a poor metal to the top of the investment star

Affected Areas

In the UK, BGS and SEPA have undertaken stream sediment studies to determine the extent of trace contaminants. The highest concentrations of Cobalt are often found in waters containing high iron or Manganese. However the concentration of total Cobalt in fresh waters is generally low in the UK.

Higher concentrations are generally associated with industrialised or mining areas.

The production of alloys and chemical compounds containing Cobalt, sewage effluents, urban run-off and agricultural run-off are major sources of Cobalt contamination.

The Health Implications of Cobalt

Cobalt is an essential element for human health, being a constituent of vitamin B12. In the picture below you can see several food sources high in vitamin B12.

Severe health effects from exposure to naturally occurring Cobalt are rare, with most effects reported due to inhalation.

Ingestion of large quantities of Cobalt may cause effects on the blood and liver as well as dermatitis.

There is no WHO Guideline Value for Cobalt and the EU Drinking Water Directive does not set a standard for Cobalt.

Click here for more information regarding the stringent testing process of ZeroWater filters.

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