Culligan ZeroWater's Water Filter Jugs Help to Reduce the Environmental Impact of Drinking Bottled Water
More and more people are realising that the water that comes out of their taps is unsafe to drink - there have been numerous reports of Lead and many other dangerous metals in tap water. While bottled water may offer a ready answer, it isn't feasible, especially for families who don't have a lot of money to spare in their budget. That is why more people are choosing water filter jugs. These jugs present a solution for filtering and purifying tap water. They come with a water filter that traps diluted metals and many more contaminants often found in tap water.
Culligan ZeroWater has compiled a comparative list of contaminants it reduces.
As with many new inventions, the market is now flooded with all kinds of water filter jugs. Even looking online you will find that there is a myriad of water filter jugs to choose from, and this can be a challenge especially if you are a first time buyer.
That is why you should do your homework before you go shopping - you need to know the most important features of a typical water filter jug. This article will highlight them, but feel free to do additional research of your own.
The Method of Water Filtration or Purification System
There are many methods to filter or purify tap water, most are rudimentary. Some are more complex. Most modern water filter jugs use mechanical filtration - the water flows from a higher level onto a set of filters where impurities are stripped. The best water filter systems use reverse osmosis where fine membranes are installed to strip water of impurities at the molecular level. These filters work even for highly contaminated water.
Water Purity Levels
Levels of water contamination vary from location to location. You may find that in a city there are far higher levels of metals present than in the outskirts. Our FREE TDS meters can help you test the quality of your local tap water. Before you embark on a water filter jug buying venture it is important to establish the levels of impurity in your local water supply so that you can buy the right equipment for the job - different filters are designed to filter different levels of impurity and types of contaminants. To find out what is in your water you can buy a water testing set or kit and perform the tests yourself. But, you could also call in a professional to take samples to be analysed. Your local authorities should be able to present you with some information on water quality.
Life Cycle of the Water Filter
All water filters need to be changed after some time, and the efficiency of a water filter jug is partly determined by how often the filter has to be changed. The average water filter jug filter can clean about 150 liters of water before the filter needs changing.
All of our Culligan ZeroWater's water filter jugs come with a FREE TDS meter. Our jugs lead this market in performance and efficiency.
You can find more info on all our filters and jugs here: /