Top 5 Ways to Stay Happy and Healthy During Covid-19’s Second Wave
At Culligan ZeroWater, we want to inspire and encourage people to do all they can to stay happy and healthy during this ongoing health crisis as Covid-19’s second wave rampages through the UK. After Boris Johnson’s latest announcement regarding the 3 tiered lock-down system, it’s clear that many of us will be housebound, once again with a lot more time on our hands. But don’t despair, Culligan ZeroWater is here to ensure that your family stay’s as happy and healthy as possible during this perpetually stressful period. Follow our top tips to give your family’s immune system and moods a boost, while adhering to all local lock-down rules!
Eat as well as you possibly can during this time. Proper nutrition does not have to be boring – it can lead not only to increased health but to fun family bonding time. Look up fun recipes online rather than eating out. By eating at home you reduce your rate of contact with other people and lower your chance of being exposed to COVID-19.Social distancing of 2 meters is not always possible in crowded social settings like restaurants and cafes. Droplets from infected people may land on surfaces and people’s hands (e.g. customers and staff), and with lots of people coming and going, you cannot tell if hands are being washed regularly enough, and surfaces are being cleaned and disinfected fast enough.We at Culligan ZeroWater have 2 articles listing some fun, healthy water based recipes that you and your family and can try out at home!
Moreover, people who eat a well-balanced diet tend to be healthier with stronger immune systems and lower risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases.
Here are some further Nutritional Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy During Covid-19:
- You should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed foods every day to get the vitamins, minerals, dietary fibre, protein and antioxidants your body needs.
- Therefore, you should be eating 2 cups of fruit (4 servings), 2.5 cups of vegetables (5 servings), 180 g of grains, and 160 g of meat and or beans daily!
- Eat fruits, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils, beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. oats, wheat, brown rice, potato, yam), and foods from animal sources (e.g. meat, fish, eggs and milk).
- Avoid sugar, fat and salt to significantly lower your risk of overweight, obesity, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and certain types of cancer.
- So for snacks, choose raw vegetables and fresh fruit rather than foods that are high in sugar, fat or salt.
- Limit your intake of soft drinks or sodas and other drinks that are high in sugar (e.g. fruit juices, fruit juice concentrates and syrups, flavoured milks and yogurt drinks).
- In fact, something as simple as a cup of tea can boost your immune system and have immense health benefits! Read this article for more information.
- Stay Active: It’s crucial despite our instincts to hunker down for the cold, Covid-19 season and gorge ourselves, we must remember that one of the best thing we can do for our bodies and immune system is to Stay Active!
As many of us will be housebound aside from going to work/school due to local lock-down restrictions the gym may now be off limits. However, homework outs a great and fun way to keep you moving, and maintaining your levels of fitness. You can even get the whole family involved by following along with enthusiastic, energetic work out videos on YouTube in your very own living room. P.E. with Joe Wicks is an excellent example of a homework out that benefits both adults and children alike, as Wicks has since received an MBE for his amazing work keeping the British public and children active during lock-down – so you know he is the one to trust with your families fitness! Remember when working out that hydration is essential in order to remain healthy and prevent dehydration!
You need to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health. Make sure that during this immensely stressful time you take some time for self-care – take time for yourself, have a bath, mediate, read, watch a film, take some time off of social media. For professional tips from top psychologists on how to maintain good mental health during Covid-19 read this article.We also suggest that you ensure you stay productive and keep on top of your work while working from home – if you are struggling to focus hydration can boost productivity and focus.Moreover, now is an excellent time to get creative in your new found spare time - take up hobbies like baking, reading, writing, scrapbooking. Moreover, even though we can no longer see friends and family in person as much as we would wish, its essential that we stay social either virtually or socially distant outside. Organise hang outs with friends and family over FaceTime, Skype, messenger or in an open space such as a park. Structure and routine is crucial in order to maintain your mental health and keep your mind busy so use this time wisely to create a Covid-19 local lock-down battle plans. Roughly plan how you are going to spend your time to make sure you don’t lose your way or give in to stagnation and boredom.
- Get a good amount of sleep! Good sleep is essential to our overall health! According to The National Institutes of Health (NIH): “Immune system activation alters sleep, and sleep in turn affects the innate and adaptive arm of our body's defense system.” While the amount of sleep needed for good health and optimum performance mostly depends on the individual, the CDC recommends adults age 18-60 years get seven or more hours of sleep per night.So while it may be tempting to stay up late, to abandon your usual sleep schedule as you are working from home this could seriously damage your immune system. We at Culligan ZeroWater want to keep you and your family as fighting fit as possible therefore we recommend you stay hydrated, as hydration can aid sleep quality.
- Hydration is key to keeping healthy during the pandemic. Water transports nutrients and compounds in blood, regulates your body temperature, gets rid of waste, and lubricates and cushions joints.
However, we realise its easy when sat at home to forget to drink the 2 litres of water you need to consume a day to ensure your body has enough water to perform effectively both mentally and physically. Yet, if you follow our top tips on how to stay hydrated, you too can reap the many benefits of hydration during lock-down. To ensure your hydration and your families health during this crisis, invest in a Culligan ZeroWater filter. Choose from a variety of styles from portable to jug filters we are here to keep your family fighting fit and hydrated!
Why Invest in a Culligan ZeroWater Filter Jug during the Covid-19 Pandemic?
At Culligan ZeroWater, we want to ensure your families health by providing you with Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration Systems. Our systems successfully outperform all other 2-stage filters on the market such as Brita Filters. While simplistic 2-stage filters are only able remove around half of all dissolved solids, our advanced filters guarantee to drastically reduce the amount of ‘Total Dissolved Solids’ and contaminants in your water! When tested in accordance with the NSF's protocol based on a 40 gallon filtration (double the rated usage), Culligan ZeroWater reduces 97% of Lead and 99.9% of Chromium from your tap water. They are also third party tested to reduce 96% of Mercury, 93% of Arsenic and 99% of Copper, among many other contaminants! During this pandemic, only Culligan ZeroWater can provide you with the healthiest, purest tasting water around, so don’t delay, invest in a water filter today!