How to Help the Environment by Reducing Your Water Footprint
In the age of climate change and pollution we all need to be doing our bit to help save the environment through sustainability. A big way you can help is to reduce your water footprint. But what is the water footprint? And how can you and your family decrease your impact on the environment by reducing your water footprint? We at Culligan ZeroWater are here to answer your frequently asked questions regarding your water footprint, so we can all work together to help the environment.
What is the Water Footprint?
The water footprint is simply defined as the amount of fresh water utilised or consumed in the production or supply of the goods and services used by a particular person or group. This water consumption can be categorised into direct and indirect. Direct water footprint (the type of water footprint this article will focus on) is the amount of water used directly by the individual(s), while indirect water footprint represents the summation of the water footprints of all the products consumed. Water is indirectly used in the production of all goods such as food or clothes as well directly, as in your home for cooking, cleaning, bathing or drinking.
But Why is it Important to Decrease Your Water Footprint?
Professor Arjen Y. Hoekstra, creator of the water footprint concept states that: “the interest in the water footprint is rooted in the recognition that human impacts on freshwater systems can ultimately be linked to human consumption, and that issues like water shortages and pollution can be better understood and addressed by considering production and supply chains as a whole.” Freshwater is a scarce and diminishing resource in some parts of the world; its annual availability is limited yet the population continues to increase and thus demand for water is perpetually growing. The water footprint of humanity has surpassed sustainable levels at several places and is unequally distributed among the population. There many places in the world where immense and damaging water depletion or pollution is taking place – rivers are running dry, thus decreasing lake and groundwater levels, consequently endangering many species of wildlife as well as human life through contaminated water or scarcity. By learning about and then decreasing your own personal water footprint you will help to achieve a more sustainable and equitable use of fresh water that will aid not only the environment but your fellow humans. For as Professor Hoekstra states: “consumers, governments, businesses and civil society communities can all play a role in achieving a better management of water resources.”
How can You Decrease Your Families Water Footprint?
Consumers can easily and effectively reduce their direct water footprint (i.e. their home water use) by employing some of these simple methods:
- Install a smart water meter that will take hourly, automatic readings of your water use so you can see how much water you are using and reduce accordingly. This will give you control and an understanding of your household’s water consumption as well as saving you money in the long run as you’ll spend less money on your water bills.
- Install water saving toilets that use less water when flushing.
- Applying a water-saving shower head to reduce your water consumption while showering.
- Shower instead of taking regular baths as baths waste so much more water than showers.
- Avoid leaving the water running while brushing your teeth.
- Don’t buy single use plastic water bottles as this will increase your water footprint as well as contributing to plastic pollution. Instead invest in a water filter so you can get the purest tasting water while also reducing your water footprint without damaging the environment.
Culligan ZeroWater is here to Help You Decrease Your Water Footprint
Investing in a Culligan ZeroWater filter is to invest in a sustainable future. Our Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration System not only will aid you in reducing your water footprint but will provide you with the purest tasting water free from contaminants. In fact our filters outperform any standard 2-Stage filter on the market such as Brita Filters. When tested in accordance with the NSF's protocol based on a 40 gallon filtration (double the rated usage), Culligan ZeroWater reduces 97% of Lead and 99.9% of Chromium from your tap water. They are third party tested to reduce 96% of Mercury, 99% of Uranium, 93% of Arsenic and 99% of Copper, among many other contaminants. You can even verify the effectiveness of your water filter as we provide a free water quality meter which will show the amount of contaminants reduced by our filters. You can purchase a 7 cup water filter jug and reduce your water footprint, make your household sustainable, aid the environment and gain purer tasting water all for just £24.99.