How can I tell If I Need to Filter my Tap Water?
More and more people are becoming aware that the water that comes out of their taps is not safe to drink. Contaminated tap water is, however, not a problem everywhere. There are some areas where water from the tap is perfectly alright to drink, cook and wash with. So how can you know if your tap water needs filtering?
There are several ways. The first and most important is to educate yourself on water contamination. A comprehensive list of potential contaminates can be found here. You should find websites that talk about the water in your area and find out what they consider safe water and what contaminants, if any, are present. Find out if there are any recommended standards for safe drinking water. There are many researchers who are actively doing research on water from different areas. If you can get in touch with one of them and set up an appointment they can explain to you what you should look out for, and whether the water in your taps is safe to drink. Alternatively, you can bring in a professional water tester to test the water in your home. They will take away samples and in a few days they will come back with a breakdown of what the water contains and tell you whether or not it is safe to drink. There are also do-it-yourself water testing kits that can be purchased and from a variety of stores, and these can be of help too - with a simple test at home you will know whether you can trust your tap water or not.
So what do you do if you discover that the water from your tap is contaminated?
The best thing to do is to filter your drinking water. There are many water filtration systems available in the market and they can help make your tap water safe for drinking. You should, however, not buy the first one that you come across. Make sure that you buy a brand that actually filters water - there are some that claim to when in truth they don't really do much.
You will also find that water filter jugs come in a wide variety of prices. Do not be mislead into thinking that the more expensive outperform the cheaper ones. There are water filter jugs that cost less than £25 but which do a better job than those that cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds. Choose instead based on the reputation of the manufacturer as well as consumer reviews. One vendor that comes highly recommended is Culligan ZeroWater. they stand out from the crowd, due to their patented water filter which miraculously can make wine into crystal clear drinking water, which if you ask us, is a test which answer our problem and cannot be repeated by any of their competitors. They offer a water filter or water filter jugs that are all highly reliable and affordable.
You can trust that whatever water filtration product you buy from them will make your tap water safe to drink for many years to come. You can find out more on their website here:/.