Easy Tips & Tricks on How to Stay Healthy while Self-Isolating!
The current social climate during the corona virus is not one that is conducive for healthy living, as many of us are currently house bound, self-isolating. During this time its easy to feel disillusioned, drained and let go of your health. But it’s so important for your body and mind to stay as healthy as possible during this difficult time. We at Culligan ZeroWater want to give you some easy tips and tricks on how to stay healthy while self-isolating.
4 Tips & Tricks for Staying Healthy while in Self-Isolation @ Home:
- Homework outs are a fun and easy way to keep your moving, and maintain your level of fitness while housebound. Many people will be isolating in the home with children. So a good way to get the whole family involved is to watch fun, energetic work out videos on YouTube and follow along in your living room – Check out P.E. with Joe Wicks or the British Heart Foundation work out video to get you started. Alternatively you can follow calmer yoga videos to stretch your muscles. Alternatively you can take a walk or go for a run in order to keep fit during this stressful time, as it will not only keep you physically fit but help your mental health to get out of the house, get fresh air and a change of scenery to prevent stagnation.
- Eat as well as you possibly can during this time. Don’t stockpile food, instead look up fun recipes online to use up the spare food in your cupboard. Ensure you eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can rather than gorging on snack foods during your isolation. This will make your body and mind happy and healthy.
- Hydration – While exercising or working from home ensure that you stay hydrated. Its easy when sat at home to forget to drink the 2 litres of water you need to consume a day to ensure your body has enough water to perform effectively both mentally and physically. Hydration will help to flush out toxins, clear your head, keeping your mind sharp and making sure you feel more energised throughout your self-isolation.
- You need to take care of your mental health as well as your physical health, so make sure you stay productive. Be creative, take up hobbies like baking, reading, writing, scrapbooking. Make sure you stay social (virtually) by organising hang outs with friends and family over FaceTime, Skype or just over messenger. Make sure you have structure and routine in your days to occupy your mind.
How can Culligan ZeroWater Help You stay Healthy & Hydrated during Self-Isolation?
We at Culligan ZeroWater want to ensure that you and your family stay as healthy and hydrated as possible during self-isolation. We provide the most effective water filters on the market outperforming all other 2-stage filters available elsewhere. While simplistic 2-stage filters are only able remove around half of all dissolved solids, our filters successfully remove what other filters leave behind. Our filter guarantee to drastically reduce the amount of ‘Total Dissolved Solids’ and contaminants in your water. Our Premium 5-Stage Ion Exchange Water Filtration System will give you the purest tasting water free from contaminants. This will ensure your body and mind is hydrated and nourished without the fear of contaminants endangering you and your families health.
The Effectiveness of our Water Filters is Evidenced in our Numbers…
Though the effectiveness of our filters sounds almost unbelievable, the proof is in our numbers. When tested in accordance with the NSF's protocol based on a 40 gallon filtration (double the rated usage), Culligan ZeroWater reduces 97% of Lead and 99.9% of Chromium from your tap water. They are third party tested to reduce 96% of Mercury, 99% of Uranium, 93% of Arsenic and 99% of Copper, among many other contaminants. In fact, to guarantee you are getting the best deal and purest tasting water for your money, all of our products come with a free water quality meter. So you can confirm for yourself that our filter drastically reduces the amount of contaminants in your water.
First Time Buyer? Check out our Exclusive, Cost Effective Offer!
To start you off on your water filter journey in staying as hydrated and healthy as possible during your families self-isolation, check out our introductory offer for first time buyers, our 6 piece combo starter kit. For just £59.99 (reduced from £74.97) you can own this limited edition Culligan ZeroWater Combo Starter Kit which will provide you with everything you need to get the safest, purest tasting filtered water, from the comfort of your own home. Including:
- 12-Cup Ready-Pour™ pitcher with Culligan ZeroWater Ion Exchange Water Filter(£39.99 retail value) so you and your family can get the best tasting and safest water, free from contaminants to get hydrated and healthy in your home.
- Culligan ZeroWater Portable Travel & Sports Bottle with filter(£14.99 retail value) which is perfect for ensuring that you stay hydrated and can have the purest tasting water while exercising both in and outside of your home.
- Spare Culligan ZeroWater Ion Exchange water filter(£19.99 retail value) so when your current water filter needs replacing, you don’t need to faff about ordering and waiting for your new one. We’ve already got you covered, for a cost effective price you can instantly replace your water filter.
Now, during self-isolation is the perfect time to invest in a water filter to ensure your family stays as healthy and hydrated as possible while house bound! Visit our shop to browse our wide variety of affordable water filters and products, and invest in your families health during self-isolation.