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Why Upgrade to ZeroWater? (As seen on TV)

Tap water can contain a lot of dissolved solids and some other filters simply struggle to remove them. Unlike Brita Filter's three-stage system, ZeroWater's Five-Stage Filtration System removes virtually all dissolved solids.

Maybe it's time for you to upgrade? For pure-tasting water, choose ZeroWater.

How Clean is Your Water?

The Proof is in the Numbers

ZeroWater reduces 99.6% of all total dissolved solids in your drinking water, delivering the purest tasting water within minutes.

Metals, salts, pesticides and organic compounds are all reduced with our patented 5 stage filter.

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5-Stages vs. 2-Stages, Zerowater Pitcher | Ordinary Pitcher, Zerowater Removes more impurities than the leading brand... 5-Stages vs. 2-Stages, Zerowater Pitcher | Ordinary Pitcher, Zerowater Removes more impurities than the leading brand...
See How It Works -Five Stage Filter 1 2 3 4 5

See how it works!
5-Stage Filter
Stage 1

Coarse Filter Screen

Removes suspended solids such as dust and rust that make your water appear cloudy.

How Clean is Your Water?

The map shows TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) readings submitted by customers using the Water Quality Meter that is included with all ZeroWater jugs and dispensers.
Dissolved solids may include salts, metals, pesticides or any other contaminants that make their way into your water from surface run-off, poorly maintained pipework or are deemed of an acceptable level by your supplier.

How Clean is Your Water?

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Introduce someone to ZeroWater and we’ll send them a voucher code
for a discounted jug or dispenser. When they buy their jug, you will
receive a voucher for a free filter. Lots of friends? Lots of filters!

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