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Top Questions

How is ZeroWater® Different?

Does the ZeroWater® TDS Meter measure Lead levels?

What's considered an acceptable level of Lead in my water?

Do ZeroWater® products contain BPA?

What is the ZeroWater® TDS Meter reading?

What are Total Dissolved Solids?

How fast should my water run through a ZeroWater® device?

Does a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser reduce the pH of my water?

Where can I recycle used ZeroWater Filters?

How does a ZeroWater® device work?

How is a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser Different?

How does a ZeroWater® Filter work?

Do we offer a full house or under-counter ZeroWater® filter system? Do we make a ZeroWater® product for the fridge?

You can drink tap water in the UK - why do I need a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser?

I have well water. Do I need your ZeroWater® products or filter system?

ZeroWater® vs. bottled water quality

ZeroWater® vs. Reverse Osmosis (RO)

ZeroWater® vs. Distilled water

ZeroWater® vs. Softeners

Pets / people need distilled water for health reasons - is this the same water quality?

Microbiological / Bacteria - Reverse Osmosis vs. ZeroWater®

What does a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser remove?

What does a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser remove?®

Is it bad to remove all TDS?










Oxygen from water?

Chromium 6?

Graphene Oxide


Why can't I get a "zero" reading with my ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser?

Why does my ZeroWater® filtered water taste acidic or fishy?

The water coming out of my ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser is black or gray. What's wrong?

My brand new ZeroWater® Filter was wet / condensation was present in the plastic bag.

Flow Rate: My ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser takes too long to filter.

Other: Pre-soaking a ZeroWater® Filter

ZeroWater® products: Bottle filler tap / Spout leaking?

Why is my ZeroWater® TDS Meter / Indicator not working?

Does a ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser reduce the pH of my water?


When do I change the ZeroWater® Filter?

ZeroWater® Filters vs. other water jug filters

Does well / spring water cause shorter ZeroWater® Filter life vs. "city" water?

Does bacteria build up in the ZeroWater® Filter / Jug / Dispenser?

What type of plastic is used in ZeroWater® products?


Is ZeroWater® Certified?

Is the portable tumbler Certified?

ZeroWater® TDS METER

Does the ZeroWater® TDS Meter measure Lead levels?

What is the ZeroWater® TDS Meter reading?

What are Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)?

Is it bad to remove all TDS?

How often should I measure the TDS level in my water?

What type of batteries does the ZeroWater® TDS Meter use?

What can't the ZeroWater® TDS Meter detect?

Why is my ZeroWater® TDS Meter / Indicator not working?

Do TDS levels change in hot or cold water from the same tap?

ARE ZeroWater® products and devices BPA FREE

Do ZeroWater® products contain BPA

What types of plastics are used in ZeroWater® Filters / Jugs / Dispensers? (Are they BPA free?)


What's the warranty on ZeroWater® Jugs and Dispensers?

What's the warranty on the ZeroWater® Filter Cartridge?

Is the ZeroWater® TDS Meter covered by a warranty? How long does it last?

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